New aiming sticks


I left my old aiming sticks in Spain, while i was playing in Nations cup. I didn’t want to buy some ordinary sticks, blue and white color has huge meaning for me. These are cool.

Golf in Winter at Malmi



It’s cold and dark outside but it’s good thing that indoors are warm and nice. Luckyly On Capital area there is couple of places where you can train indoors on wintertime.

Hitting balls. First time 2013. Outside. In Finland. Cool.

Actually i was hitting balls first time outside on friday 19.4. but it was cloudy, windy and grey so when today on sunday 21.4. were sunny and nice i thought these pictures were much more interesting. Artificial turf looks nice on these pictures, so don’t think grass is green here yet. No my friends, it will take time. Maybe in end of May. 😀

Nothing more to write today. I’m so happy that summer will come. I bet it’s hard to imagine to someone that is able to play 365 days of year. We’re not. I’m not. That’s why it’s huge thing that summer will come…